Posted in Elizabeth I Places Imprisonment Tudor Times

The Tower of London

Just a quick post to let you know about a wonderful article on the Daily Mail website which gives information about the Ceremony of the Keys and also the history…

Posted in News Portraits

National Portrait Gallery Information on the Phoenix and Pelican Portraits

…about the National Portrait Gallery page on this one week long exhibition, which you can find at Elizabeth I miniature by Nicholas Hilliard What I love about this page…

Posted in Anne Boleyn Elizabeth I Early Life Elizabeth I's Childhood Parents

7th September 1533 – The Birth of Queen Elizabeth I

…“devoted” to Elizabeth, rather than running a website devoted to her, but I don’t see there being anything wrong in admiring Elizabeth I. As David Starkey says in his brilliant…

Posted in Elizabeth I Movies and Series

Elizabeth I in the Movies

…Margaret Irwin and one website describes it as playing “it a little loose with the facts” in that it has the young Elizabeth sacrificing her feelings for Thomas Seymour by…

Posted in Elizabeth I's Achievements News Spanish Armada

Painting the Armada Exhibition

…to the Parliament website, the paintings were first commissioned when the new palace was built in the 19th century, but only one was completed by the artist Richard Burchett. The…

Posted in Appearance of Elizabeth I Elizabeth I Myths Elizabeth I's Achievements Spanish Armada The Reign of Elizabeth I Tudor events

The Spanish Armada 8 – Elizabeth’s Tilbury Speech

…her troops “with God in her heart, and a commaunding staffe in her hand” and saying the following:- “Come on now, my companions at arms, and fellow soldiers, in the…

Posted in Lady Elizabeth Mary I Tudor events

Mary I Enters London as Queen

…rayles with theyr streamers and banners of eury Company or occupation standinge at theyr rayles, eury Company in their best liueryes with theyr hoodes. Allso there were iiii great stages…

Posted in Elizabeth I Books Elizabeth I Personality Elizabeth I's Childhood Loves and Suitors Marriage Robert Dudley

Elizabeth and Leicester – Bess and Robin

…these questions – thank you, Jeane! You can read my review of Jeane’s novel, “His Last Letter: Elizabeth I and the Earl of Leicester”, at and bid for a…

Posted in Elizabeth I's Achievements Spanish Armada The Reign of Elizabeth I

The Spanish Armada 6 – The Spanish Fleet Homeward Bound

…Ammunition was pretty much non-existent and food rations were low. All the Spanish commander, the Duke of Medina Sedonia could do was to try and salvage what was left of…

Posted in Elizabeth I Early Life Elizabeth I Places

Elizabeth I and Somerset House

…Gothic style of architecture and, instead, combined Doric and Ionic pillars in the most serious attempt at classical composition yet seen in England.” It is not known who Somerset used…

Posted in Mary I

The Myth of Bloody Mary

…my nerves. By nicknaming Mary I “Bloody Mary”, we are completely misunderstanding her, maligning her, perpetuating the myths about her and not giving her the credit she deserves for her…

Posted in Elizabeth I Places Loves and Suitors Marriage Robert Dudley

Elizabeth I’s Visit to Kenilworth Castle

…here; You are amongst your friends. Their comfort comes when you approach, And when you part it ends.” The Elizabethan Garden The privy garden was designed and made for Elizabeth…

Posted in Elizabeth I Information Marriage News People The Reign of Elizabeth I Tudor Politics

Elizabeth I and the threat posed by the Grey Sisters

…on the road travelling around the UK, but I thought you’d all be interested in reading this article from one of my favourite authors and historians, Leanda de Lisle:-…

Posted in Appearance of Elizabeth I Elizabeth I Personality Portraits

The Armada Portrait

…purity and virginity. Pearls symbolised purity. Marilee Cody, on her excellent site on Tudor portraits – – suggests that the pearls were Dudley’s last gift to Elizabeth and so…

Posted in Appearance of Elizabeth I Elizabeth I Information Elizabeth I Personality Monarchy Portraits The Reign of Elizabeth I

Elizabeth I – Queen of PR

…symbolized Elizabeth’s selfless love for her subjects. The National Maritime Museum website also points out that, in the Middle Ages, the pelican became a symbol of Jesus, his sacrifice on…

Posted in Elizabeth I Writings Loves and Suitors Marriage People Tudor Politics

On Monsieur’s Departure

…malaria. Why am I writing about him here, on a website dedicated to Elizabeth? Because he was one of Elizabeth’s suitors and the man she affectionately called her “frog”. François,…

Posted in Anne Boleyn Elizabeth I Early Life Elizabeth I Personality Elizabeth I's Achievements Elizabeth I's Childhood Lady Elizabeth People The Reign of Elizabeth I

The Cambridge Connections – Part 2

for example, were taught by the very same people who tutored Princess Elizabeth and the young King Edward. In the company of the two most important and influential women in…

Posted in Anne Boleyn Elizabeth I Information

The Anne Boleyn Experience 2010

…at our Flickr page – I’m busy organising next year’s tours – there will be one in May 2011 and one in July 2011. I hope you can come!…

Posted in Anne Boleyn Elizabeth I Personality Elizabeth I's Childhood Parents People Tudor events

The Fall of Anne Boleyn

…Boleyn’s execution on the 19th May so please do visit – the first one is Mark Smeaton with the Marmalade in the Cupboard Notes 1 – The Lady in…

Posted in Catherine Parr Elizabeth I Books Elizabeth I Early Life Elizabeth I Personality People

Katherine the Queen by Linda Porter

…Porter’s book at You can also read an article, “Last But Not Least: The Enduring Fascination of Katheirne Parr”, by Linda Porter over at the Anne Boleyn Files –…