Posted in Catherine ParrĀ NewsĀ PeopleĀ Thomas Seymour

Mary Seymour, Daughter of Catherine Parr and Thomas Seymour

ā€¦Anne Boleyn Files ā€“ The Mystery of Mary Seymour Solved? ā€“ and you can read Linda Porterā€™s full article on the subject at Please do read it, itā€™s fascinatingā€¦.

Letter to Catherine Parr

ā€¦should be, nor else worthy to come in Your Graceā€™s hands, but rather all unperfect and uncorrect: yet do I trust also that albeit it is like a work whichā€¦

Posted in PeopleĀ Shakespeare

Anonymous: Was Shakespeare a Fraud?

ā€¦or Christopher Marlowe, but ā€œyesā€ argue the Stratfordians. You can read more about the debate and the various theories in the following articles/websites:- The Shakespeare Fellowship ā€“ An Oxfordian siteā€¦

Posted in MonarchyĀ News

Congratulations to Prince William, Duke of Cambridge, and his bride Catherine Middleton on their Wedding Day!

ā€¦here are some helpful links for those of you who want to celebrate this Royal Wedding:- Full schedule ā€“ BBC News website at Coverage on the BBC News websiteā€¦

Posted in Death of Elizabeth IĀ Elizabeth I PlacesĀ MonarchyĀ Tudor events

28 April 1603 ā€“ Funeral of Elizabeth I

ā€¦Iā€™s coffin at the Westminster Abbey Museum and there is a photo of it at You can also visit the Westminster Abbey page on Elizabeth Iā€™s tomb atā€¦.

Posted in PeopleĀ The Reign of Elizabeth I

A Video to Celebrate William Shakespeareā€™s Birthday!

Enjoy this video of bloggers from around the world commemorating and celebrating the work of the Bard, William Shakespeare as part of the project:- I was lucky enough toā€¦

Monarchs Poem

ā€¦James the vain, Charlie, Charlie, James again. Will and Mary, Anna Gloria, Georges four, then Will, Victoria; Edward seven, George and Ted, George the sixth, now Liz instead. (Source:ā€¦

Poem ā€“ A Princessā€™ Christening

ā€¦in reading the series, you can find the poems on our sister site ā€“ Elizabeth Iā€™s Christening Gown, Sudeley Castle A Princessā€™ Christening For the Princessā€™ christening, Anne wantedā€¦

Poem ā€“ Elizabeth

This is a poem from Esther Hyamsā€™ series of poems on the life of Anne Boleyn, Elizabeth Iā€™s mother, which can be found at our sister site Princess Elizabethā€¦

Posted in Death of Elizabeth IĀ Elizabeth I InformationĀ Elizabeth I's AchievementsĀ Tudor events

Elizabeth Iā€™s Death ā€“ 24 March 1603

ā€¦it was a comfort to all the beholders. Then the good man told her plainly what she was, and what she was to come to; and though she had beenā€¦

Primary Sources

ā€¦ā€“ August 1588, 26-31 Venice ā€“ December 1587 Other Useful Stuff One of my favourite historians, Dr John Guy, has an excellent website which is great for research and forā€¦

Posted in PeopleĀ The Reign of Elizabeth I

Sir Walter Raleigh Released ā€“ 20 March 1616

ā€¦and spared his life. Ralegh was released so that he could undertake a second expedition to Venezuela, South America, in search of El Dorado, the legendary, secret, hidden golden kingdomā€¦

1559 Parliament Speech

ā€¦this determination, although my youth and words may seem to some hardly to agree together, yet is it most true that at this day I stand free from any otherā€¦

Posted in Elizabeth I Early LifeĀ Elizabeth I InformationĀ Henry VIII and ElizabethĀ ParentsĀ People

Elizabeth Iā€™s Early Life ā€“ Illegitimate Siblings

ā€¦old mistress Elizabeth Blount, also known as Bessie Blount. Although he was married to Catherine of Aragon at the time, Henry VIII openly acknowledged that little Henry was his sonā€¦

1563 Parliament Speech

ā€¦proceedings that you presented me, in many words expressed, contained these two things: my sortie in marriage, and of your cares the greatest, my succession, of which two the lastā€¦

1566 Dressing Down

ā€¦harm? What turmoil have I made in this commonwealth that I should be suspected to have no regard to the same? How have I governed since my reign? I willā€¦

1583 Speech on Religion

ā€¦more comfort than we find here. I know no creature that breatheth whose life standeth hourly in more peril for it than mine own; who entered not into my stateā€¦

The Tilbury Speech

ā€¦my stead, than whom never prince commanded a more noble or worthy subject; not doubting but by your obedience to my general, by your concord in the camp, and yourā€¦

Posted in Elizabeth I's AchievementsĀ Mary I

Mary I versus Elizabeth I

ā€¦people like Cranmer, Latimer and Ridley etc. BUT Elizabeth was no teddy bear, was she? Of course, I admire Elizabeth I hugely, otherwise I would not be running a websiteā€¦


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