What museum or place has Elizabethā€™s Locket Ring ?

It belongs to the Trustees of Chequers, the official country residence of the Prime Minister of the UK, and is kept there. CLICK HERE FOR MORE QUESTIONSā€¦

what sort of accent did she haveā€¦I have heard that is was broad Yorkshire is that true?

ā€¦hear some recordings at his website ā€“ http://www.pronouncingshakespeare.com/op-recordings/. A BBC report on actorsā€™ use of the phonetic scripts said:- ā€œThey say their accents are somewhere between Australian, Cornish, Irish andā€¦

what was Elizabeths last and middle name my name is Elizabeth too iā€™ve wanted to know for a wile

ā€¦1536 when her mother, Anne Boleyn, was executed and the marriage between Anne and Henry VIII annulled. She then became known as The Lady Elizabeth. CLICK HERE FOR MORE QUESTIONSā€¦

What year is it when Queen Elizabeth I is in her teen years

ā€¦she turned 13 in September 1546. The famous portrait of the teenage Elizabeth was painted by William Scrots c 1546 so when she was 12/13. CLICK HERE FOR MORE QUESTIONSā€¦

Where is Elizabeth I buried?

ā€¦was executed and buried as a traitor, is buried under the floor of the Chapel of St Peter ad Vincula at the Tower of London. CLICK HERE FOR MORE QUESTIONSā€¦

who did robert devereux ,earl of essex marry

Robert Devereux, 2nd Earl of Essex, and a favourite of Elizabeth I, married Frances Walsingham, daughter of Francis Walsingham and widow of Philip Sidney. CLICK HERE FOR MORE QUESTIONSā€¦

Who do you think did the best job of portraying Elizabeth on film? I just finished watching Glenda Jackson in ā€œElizabeth Rā€ for the second time, and I think Glenda was spot on in her portrayal of Elizabeth-simply the best!

I love Glenda Jackson, but I also love Helen Mirren as Elizabeth and Jeremy Irons as Dudley in ā€œElizabeth Iā€ which is a brilliant series. CLICK HERE FOR MORE QUESTIONSā€¦

Who were Elizabethā€™s prime Ladyā€™s in Waiting, who did she trust the most and keep closest to her? We know of Bess in ā€œElizabeth: The Golden Ageā€ā€¦how accurate was this character?

ā€¦find out more about Kat at https://www.elizabethfiles.com/info/bios/kat-ashley/ and Blanche at https://www.elizabethfiles.com/info/bios/blanche-parry/ Iā€™m trying to remember what Bess was like in the Elizabeth films but I canā€™t remember so here areā€¦

Posted in Appearance of Elizabeth IĀ Elizabeth I's AchievementsĀ The Reign of Elizabeth I

Glamour in Austerity

ā€¦last post Elizabeth Iā€™s Use of Dress as a Political Tool. You can listen to the programme via BBC iPlayer at http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b018h188#synopsis and the blurb says:- ā€œLisa Jardine remembers 2011ā€¦

Who were men that courted Elizabeth I after she was queen, specifically, who were her favorites and how intimate, if at all, were their relationships?

ā€¦FranƧois, Duke of Anjou and AlenƧon ā€“ Elizabeth affectionately called him her ā€œfrogā€ ā€“ https://www.elizabethfiles.com/on-monsieurs-departure/3873/ Sir Christopher Hatton ā€“ Elizabeth called him her ā€œmoutonā€ https://www.elizabethfiles.com/christopher-hatton/4533/ CLICK HERE FOR MORE QUESTIONSā€¦

Posted in Appearance of Elizabeth IĀ Portraits

Elizabeth Iā€™s Use of Dress as a Political Tool

Thereā€™s an interesting article on the BBC website entitled A Point of View: Dazzling in an age of austerity in which historian Lisa Jardine talks about how ā€œElizabeth used ostentationā€¦

Why did Elizabeth hate Lettice so much? I know a big part of it was her marriage to Robert Dudley but what was her reasoning for disliking her before the marriage? Did she ever say? Iā€™ve read that it was because she was jealous of Letticeā€™s looks.

ā€¦this act which led to Elizabeth banishing Lettice from court and labelling her the ā€œshe-wolfā€. She never forgave Lettice and they were never reconciled. In CLICK HERE FOR MORE QUESTIONSā€¦

Posted in Elizabeth I Early LifeĀ Elizabeth I's HouseholdĀ People

Death of Roger Ascham ā€“ 30 December 1568

ā€¦placed in the household of Suffolk lawyer and royal commissioner Humphrey Wingfield, a man who modelled his household on that of Sir Thomas More He was taught Latin and Greekā€¦

Why didnā€™t Elizabeth I and Charle II, Archduke of Austria get married?

ā€¦Counter-Reformation ā€“ BUT I donā€™t think Elizabeth planned to marry anyway, she just went along with negotiations for diplomatic reasons and to keep everyone happy. CLICK HERE FOR MORE QUESTIONSā€¦

Why didnā€™t Elizabeth move Anne Boleynā€™s body?

ā€¦would also dredge up Elizabethā€™s illegitimacy and to convince people that her mother was innocent would be making Henry responsible for executing an innocent woman CLICK HERE FOR MORE QUESTIONSā€¦

Posted in Elizabeth I WritingsĀ Elizabeth I's AchievementsĀ The Reign of Elizabeth I

Elizabeth Iā€™s Golden Speech

ā€¦her love and respect for her realm and for her members of Parliament. In Richard Cavendishā€™s article on the speech on the History Today website ā€“ see http://www.historytoday.com/richard-cavendish/elizabeth-golden-speech, he writesā€¦

British History Resources

ā€¦the chatroom, weekly video talks, weekly quizzes, resources, Tudor history e-books, and much more. Find out more at www.tudorsociety.com/ Tudor history videos The Anne Boleyn Files YouTube channel has lotsā€¦

Posted in Elizabeth I's AchievementsĀ Mary IĀ MonarchyĀ Tudor events

17th November 1558 ā€“ Elizabeth I Becomes Queen

ā€¦by using it for her religious settlement She established the ā€œgender freeā€ authority of the crown She restored and strengthened the administrative structure of the church She maintained the navyā€¦

Posted in Elizabeth I PlacesĀ Loves and SuitorsĀ Robert Dudley

July 1575 ā€“ Elizabeth Iā€™s Visit to Kenilworth Castle

ā€¦can read more about Elizabethā€™s 19 day visit to Kenilworth in my article ā€œElizabeth Iā€™s Visit to Kenilworth Castleā€ and do check out my photos of the castle at http://www.flickr.com/photos/theanneboleynfiles/sets/72157624536258800/ā€¦

Posted in NewsĀ People

Musician Damon Albarn and Dr John Dee

ā€¦as part of the London 2012 Festival for the Cultural Olympiad. See the BBC news report at http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/entertainment-arts-13996665 or the Manchester International Festival website for more details. You can findā€¦