Have any famous handwritng experts ever done an analysis on Elizabeth’s beautiful, flourishing, signature? They say you can tell a lot about a person thru their handwriting!

…this signature we see an upright slant, which again compares with the right slanted writing to indicate her public position compared with the inner woman.” CLICK HERE FOR MORE QUESTIONS

how long was elizabeth I imprisoned at Woodstock?

…After spending a few months with Mary, she was finally given permission to leave court for Hatfield, her own estate, on the 18th March 1555. CLICK HERE FOR MORE QUESTIONS

How much did Elizabeth I weigh?

…armour but we do not know how much Elizabeth weighed. She was very slender though, was very active and did not have a large appetite. CLICK HERE FOR MORE QUESTIONS

How was Bradgate House destroyed?

…slates, walls and towers cracked and fell, and the garden left untended rapidly became a wilderness.” It’s sad because it was such a beautiful house. CLICK HERE FOR MORE QUESTIONS

Posted in Elizabeth I Information News

Elizabeth I’s Locket Ring on Display Now!

…exhibition of the Goldsmiths’ Company. More details can be found on Tamise’s blog post – click here – and on the exhibition page of the Goldsmiths’ Company website – http://www.thegoldsmiths.co.uk/events/gold-power-and-allure/…

I dont think its really an elizabeth q or not but do you think there is any chance showtime will be smart and give us more tudors in the form of mary and PLEASE PLEASE elizabeth because I think many a tudor fan would love to see it and it would make a killer series if done like the first 4 series.

…a few vital characters – Lady Jane Grey, Mary Queen of Scots, James VI for starters – so it would be tricky to do anyway. CLICK HERE FOR MORE QUESTIONS

I was wondering if the current Queen Elizabeth II ever metioned Elizabeth I in any of her speeches,or if she is a “fan” of her famous ancestor? She has access to so much Tudor history, I wonder if she was interested in it.

…very interested in history, particularly when it comes to the monarchy, and http://www.royal.gov.uk/, the moarchy’s website, has a page on Elizabeth I – see http://www.royal.gov.uk/HistoryoftheMonarchy/KingsandQueensofEngland/TheTudors/ElizabethI.aspx CLICK HERE FOR MORE QUESTIONS

Posted in Anne Boleyn Elizabeth I Books News Parents

New Book – The Fall of Anne Boleyn: A Countdown

…Extras On the book websitewww.thefallofanneboleyn.com – you will find the following book extras:- Interactive timeline of the events of 1536 – Check daily for new events. Chapter notes…

In Raymond Lamont-Browns’s book “How Fat was Henry VIII, he mentions the story that Robert Dudley and Elizabeth actually had a son together-named Arthur and when he was 5 years old was sent to Kat Ashley’s husband to be educated! Do you think most historians think this story is actually plausible, since Elizabeth was know at the “Virgin Queen”?

I have actually written an article on the Arthur Dudley myth – see https://www.elizabethfiles.com/the-arthur-dudley-myth/3298/ – Arthur definitely existed but most historians do not believe that he was the illegitimate son…

Posted in Death of Elizabeth I Monarchy Tudor events

28th April 1603 – Elizabeth I’s Funeral

…I’s coffin at the Westminster Abbey Museum and there is a photo of it at www.20thcenturylondon.org.uk. You can also visit the Westminster Abbey page on Elizabeth I’s tomb at http://www.westminster-abbey.org/our-history/royals/burials/elizabeth-i….

Okay i’m confused how exactly did Elizabeth I die? Was it the lead in her face paint? Old age? Cancer? Or is it just unknown so everyone guesses?

…the execution of her favourite, Robert Devereux, Earl of Essex, and the deaths of close friends, so perhaps she also lost the will to live. CLICK HERE FOR MORE QUESTIONS

Was Elizabeth I a virgin?

…great a stateswoman to succumb to the temptations of illicit sex”. She just would not have risked her status, reputation or throne in that way. CLICK HERE FOR MORE QUESTIONS

Were any of the films made over the years about the Tudors ever filmed at the actual spots? If so do they have to get Queen Elizabeth’s permission to shoot in the actual locations?

…Permission would have been needed from the trusts which own the different properties, e.g. English Heritage, National Trust, the Church of England and private owners/companies. CLICK HERE FOR MORE QUESTIONS

Were Elizabeth and Robert Dudley really lovers?

…that she made, the decision to always be in control. Others disagree and you can read a wonderful article by author Jeane Westin at https://www.elizabethfiles.com/did-they-or-didnt-they/3099/ CLICK HERE FOR MORE QUESTIONS

What are the best books on Elizabeth I?

…”Elizabeth” and “Elizabeth I (Women in History)” by Anne Somerset. There are lots of books on Elizabeth I so other people may have further recommendations. CLICK HERE FOR MORE QUESTIONS

what decor did the royalty use at christmas time

I’ve written an article on the Tudor Christmas at http://www.theanneboleynfiles.com/resources/tudor-life/tudor-christmas/, which you may find helpful. I would think that royal palaces would be decorated in the same way as normal…

Posted in People

12 February 1590 – Death of Blanche Parry

…her home village in Herefordshire, which bears an inscription of twenty-eight lines of verse recording Blanche’s service to her beloved Queen. This can be read in full at http://www.blancheparry.com/epitaph.shtml. You…

What did Elizabeth I die of?

…after the deaths of close friends, so was probably rather “run down”. She was aged 69 when she died, a good age in those days. CLICK HERE FOR MORE QUESTIONS

What happened to Lady Bryan and her son Sir Francis Bryan?

…mention of Margaret Bryan in the archives (Letters and Papers), payment of a 20 pound annuity to “Lady Margaret Bryane, the King’s servant” in 1545. CLICK HERE FOR MORE QUESTIONS

What is the connection between Leticia Knolleys and Cornwall?

…was Sir Philip Sidney from Penshurst in Kent – see http://www.infobritain.co.uk/Sir_Philip_Sidney_Biography_And_Visits.htm for more details on him. His mother was Mary Sidney who, as you say, was Robert Dudley’s sister and